Main / Issues / Issue 4-2019 / Articles

Large-diameter pipes made of high-quality structural steels are a key elements in the gas and oil pipelines construction

А. Y. Babanina, V. V. Belousovb, А. V. Chukharkina

a Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture,
b Donetsk National University

Annotation: As a result of the research, a comprehensive technology has been developed for the out-of-furnace treatment of structural pipe steel at the ladle-furnace assembly. When making structural pipe steel of strength category X70 in the conditions of converter production of PJSC MK Azovstal, a significant increase of the mechanical and service properties of the metal has been obtained. The yield and tensile strength correspond to the values of steel of X80 strength category manufactured in Russia and the requirements of API 5L standard. The metal of the experimental melts has a lower corrosion rate in contrast to the comparative.

Keywords: main gas and oil pipelines, structural pipe steels, out-of-furnace processing, mechanical and service properties.

Pages: 63-67.


Link for citation: Babanin, А. Y.; Belousov, V. V.; Chukharkin, А. V. Large-diameter pipes made of high-quality structural steels are a key elements in the gas and oil pipelines construction. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2019. – Issue 4-2019. – Р. 63-67.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2019
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture