Main / Issues / Issue 4-2019 / Articles

Engineering design creation on the basis of scada-system modules

I. V. Selskaya, Yu. I. Salivon, A. N. Volchkov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: Modern production systems are characterized by a term reduction for work preparation in the process of release. This is largely due to the practical use of technological processes automation. The manufacturing process types, accessible for modeling in the laboratory and the factors which are the most significant during software and engineering models creating have been analyzed by the teachers of Automation and Power Supply in Construction Department. For these purposes, it has been created the training laboratory "COMPLEX", based on SCADA-system modules, which is used to simulate technological processes in construction and carrying out applied research works in the field of materials science and the building structures operation.

Keywords: automation, automation, technological process, project, control and executive devices.

Pages: 57-62.


Link for citation: Selskaya, I. V.; Salivon, Yu. I.; Volchkov, A. N. Engineering design creation on the basis of scada-system modules. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2019. – Issue 4-2019. – Р. 57-62.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2019
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture