Main / Issues / Issue 4-2020 / Articles

Functional and typological analysis of media centers’ buildings placing in modern structure of the city

H. A. Benai, K. S. Romanova

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: This article is researching the actual problem of media centers’ buildings placing in the urban planning structure; organization of leisure time in the modern information society and media centers’ formation, which taking into account urban planning analysis. The basic principles of the urban planning organization are formulated in our article. We are taking into account the functional and typological features of the media center as a culturally significant part of the urban environment. The complexities of designing media centers in the cities’ structure and solving existing problems by combining several functions in one object are investigated in this research. Our article discusses the main, most acute problems, facing the architect and project-planner in the design of such objects, taking into account the urban conditions of the city. The global experience in the design of media objects with various functional purposes was taken as the basis for the scrutiny of urban planning conditions in media centers’ design.

Keywords: media center, media facility, modern architecture, urban planning facility, urban planning analysis.

Pages: 30-33.


Link for citation: Benai, H. A.; Romanova, K. S. Functional and typological analysis of media centers’ buildings placing in modern structure of the city. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2020. – Issue 4-2020 . – Р. 30-33.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2020
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture