The sequence of the stages of reconstruction’s influence on the vat of the building structures in the undermined area
Annotation: The article investigates the sequence of stages of reconstruction’s influence with a superstructure on the stress-strain state of the structures of a building using in the undermined area. The research was carried out on the example of the hotel "Olymp" building in Donetsk, which has a two-stairs superstructure of block "A" and block "B". The stress-strain state of the building was determined by the joint calculation of the "Surface - foundation - building" system, taking into account the deformations of the earth's surface from underworking to reconstruction, in the process of reconstruction and after reconstruction. At the same time, a different sequence of stages of reconstruction was considered. The analysis of the researched building’s stress-strain state of the bearing structures is given and the most rational sequence of superstructure of blocks "A" and "B" of the hotel is determined.
Keywords: stress-strain state, workable territories, forced deformations of the base, reconstruction.
Pages: 9-14.
For citation:
For citation: Yarkin, V. V.; Bryzhataya, E. O.; Kuhar, A. V. [et al.]. The sequence of the stages of reconstruction’s influence on the vat of the building structures in the undermined area. – Text : direct. – In: <em>The Builder of Donbass</em>. – 2021. – Issue 2-2021. – Р. 9-14. – ISSN 2617-1848.

Issue 2-2021
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture