Main / Issues / Issue 4-2021 / Articles

Analysis of the wetting process in the system "mineral material - organic binder"

E. E. Samoilova, R. V. Frolov, K. V. Terekhov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: A research of the mineral powders’ wetting in the preparation of asphalt-polymer binders has been carried out in this article. The properties of the asphalt binder are largely determined by the interaction at the interface between the mineral powder and the organic binder (MP-OM), and the parameters of this interaction are determined, first of all, by the processes at the interface - wetting and spreading. Good wetting is a prerequisite for a strong adhesive bond in the "mineral material - organic binder" system and, therefore, for the specified mechanical properties of the composite material [1-8]. When receiving asphalt binders, immersion wetting takes place, the main characteristic of which is the heat of wetting [9]. The heat of wetting (change in enthalpy ΔH) was determined under isothermal conditions on a DAK-1-1A calorimeter in the automatic thermo-EMF compensation mode. The process of combining the mineral blemish (MP) with bitumen was carried out by breaking a thin-walled ampoule in a calorimetric glass using a special device for the DAK - 1 - 1A device, followed by mixing the components. The thermal effect of the breaking procedure itself was preliminarily determined.

Keywords: wetting, mineral powder, bitumen, asphalt binder, asphalt polymer binder, wetting heat, calorimeter, composite materials.

Pages: 11-15.


Link for citation: Samoilova, E. E.; Frolov, R. V.; Terekhov, K. V. Analysis of the wetting process in the system "mineral material - organic binder". – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 4-2021. – Р. 11-15.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture