Main / Issues / Issue 3-2022 / Articles

The thermal regime's of the classroom modeling: problems and prospects

A. N. Belousa, M. V. Overchenkob, D. V. Vybornovb

b Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: A review of methods for modeling the temperature regime of rooms is made here. Approaches to modeling heat transfer processes in rooms with non-stationary operation are described. The features of creating a geometric model of a room and methods for assigning boundary conditions in modeling heat transfer processes are determined. The problematic moments associated with the creation of a model of a classroom due to the inconsistent stay of people inside during the day are noted. The features of modeling of individual structural elements and parts are indicated, taking into account their geometric dimensions and the distribution of temperature fields. The main problems in creating computational models with non-stationary thermal conditions are outlined. And also the prospects for solving complex thermophysical problems are identified, taking into account the joint influence between the enclosing structures, taking into account the non-stationary heat input from household sources, the heat capacity of structures, the elements of filling the room and the simultaneous non-stationary thermal regime of the external environment are considered.

Keywords: temperature regime, heat availability, microclimate, modeling, energy saving.

Pages: 68-72.


Link for citation: Belous, A. N.; Overchenko, M. V.; Vybornov, D. V. The thermal regime's of the classroom modeling: problems and prospects. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 3-2022. – Р. 68-72.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture