Main / Issues / Issue 3-2022 / Articles

Development of approaches to ensuring the reliability of the unique buildings and facilities’ structures at the design stage

V. F. Muschanov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: New approaches to ensuring reliability at the design stage of the unique buildings and structures are considered in article. It based on new methods for determining the numerical indicators of reliability of repeatedly statically indeterminate systems. This research is intended to the structures of unique buildings and structures of a high level of responsibility, made in the form of spatial bar metal structures (large-span structural coatings, truncated domes) and sheet structures (long-span membrane coatings, vertical cylindrical tanks of large volumes). Appropriate procedures of optimal design have been developed for individual types of structures.

Keywords: long-span coatings, vertical cylindrical tanks, limit state method, reliability, survivability, optimal design.

Pages: 17-24.


Link for citation: Muschanov, V. F. Development of approaches to ensuring the reliability of the unique buildings and facilities’ structures at the design stage. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 3-2022. – Р. 17-24.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture