Main / Issues / Issue 1-2023 / Articles

Increasing the operational durability of working bodies of construction, road and agricultural machinery

D. A. Zarechensky, V. V. Vorobyov, N. A. Pestunova

Priazovsky State Technical University

Annotation: This article analyzed the materials, recommended for the restoration and strengthening of the working elements of parts of construction, road and agricultural machinery. The technological features of electric arc surfacing of alloys used to increase the wear resistance of the working surfaces of machine parts operating under conditions of intense abrasive and shock-abrasive wear are determined. The ways of increasing the service life of parts hardened by arc welding with wear-resistant alloys are considered. The influence of technological parameters of hardfacing of wear-resistant alloys on the nature of the formation and development of cracks, leading to spalling from the surface of the part during hardfacing and operation, has researched. Using austenitic surfacing materials for restoring parts made of high-manganese steels before surfacing a wear-resistant layer recommended. The temperature regime of multilayer electric arc surfacing of high-alloy alloys with flux-cored wire has developed. This developing makes possible to obtain a favorable nature of crack formation and reduce the likelihood of premature wear of the hardened surface.

Keywords: electric arc surfacing, intense impact-abrasive wear, wear-resistant alloy, carbide phase, nature of cracking, chips of the deposited layer.

Pages: 29-33.


Link for citation: Zarechensky, D. A.; Vorobyov, V. V.; Pestunova, N. A. Increasing the operational durability of working bodies of construction, road and agricultural machinery. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2023. – Issue 1-2023. – Р. 29-33.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2023
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture