Main / Issues / Issue 2-2023 / Articles

The technology of obtaining inorganic glue from heavy metal hydroxide deposits

L. N. Bunina, S. I. Movchan

Melitopol State University

Annotation: The stages of conducting industrial tests for the production of inorganic glue from precipitates of heavy metal hydroxides, sulfuric and phosphoric acids considered in the article. It based on the results of our research. A method for obtaining inorganic glue is proposed, which makes it possible to produce an environmentally safe treatment of liquid waste from galvanic production. The technology of obtaining inorganic glue from precipitation of heavy metal hydroxides, consisting of several interconnected stages of processing dehydrated wastes of heavy metal hydroxides, with the addition of sulfuric and phosphoric acids, is giving here. Standard research methods were used; liquid dehydrated wastes generated during the treatment of wastewater from galvanizing industries were used as research materials. The obtained studies allow solving several interrelated problems of liquid waste treatment: eliminating the cost of maintaining landfills for disposal, increasing the degree of use of water and water resources, and ensuring a good ecological situation. The main conclusions of the work are the expansion of the range of use of inorganic glue obtained from precipitation and dehydrated sludge of galvanic production. The additives used in the technology of preparing adhesive compositions make it possible to use galvanic production waste with any composition of contaminants.

Keywords: sludge, liquid waste, heavy metal ions, electroplating, sodium tripolyphosphate, sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid.

Pages: 13-18.


Link for citation: Bunina, L. N.; Movchan, S. I. The technology of obtaining inorganic glue from heavy metal hydroxide deposits. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2023. – Issue 2-2023. – Р. 13-18.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2023
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture