Main / Issues / Issue 1-2024 / Articles

The use of reagents in the technology of galvanic production’s wastewater treatment

S. I. Movchan

Melitopol State University

Annotation: The article discusses the use of reagents used in water treatment technology in the treatment of wastewater from galvanic production. The main areas of use of process reagents are highlighted: coagulation, neutralization and chemical precipitation, in local water treatment equipment, wastewater treatment systems of industrial enterprises. The chemical components of the spent washing solution are used as reagents in a certain ratio to hexavalent chromium, providing an optimal quantitative range of each component included in the reagent. Subject of study. The use of reagents included in the used cleaning solution in recycling water supply systems of industrial enterprises. Materials and research methods. Using reagents in the water treatment technology of coagulation, neutralization and chemical precipitation processes, the composition of chemical components, the sequence of their introduction during wastewater treatment and the results of their use are optimized. Results. The use of wastewater’s reagent treatment allows to optimize the parameters and operating modes of water treatment equipment, carry out wastewater treatment in several stages, while increasing the efficiency of wastewater, stabilizing the technical and economic indicators of the operation of water treatment equipment, reducing the amount of liquid waste generated, etc. Conclusions. Among the main conclusions from the use of reagents, the following should be noted. Waste from galvanic production and/or related technologies generated in the same production is used. The efficiency of wastewater treatment with a high content of heavy ions increases. The consumption of water used in industrial water supply systems is reduced, which is the basis for the rational implementation of water management.

Keywords: regents, reagent farming, water treatment, chemical components, waste detergent, electroplating, coagulation, neutralization, chemical precipitation.

Pages: 22-29.


Link for citation: Movchan, S. I. The use of reagents in the technology of galvanic production’s wastewater treatment. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2024. – Issue 1-2024. – Р. 22-29.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2024
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture