Main / Issues / Issue 1-2024 / Articles

Operating costs with choosing optimal solutions for building structures taking into account corrosion resistance

V. N. Levchenko, E. O. Bryzhataya, V. P. Popova, M. V. Baklykov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The durability of buildings and structures, assessed by economic calculations, is carried out through operating costs. The choice of one or another design gets according to the minimum reduced costs, taking into account the costs of renovation, depreciation, and costs of current repairs. The article presents a method for determining operating costs. The methodology for determining the economic efficiency of anti-corrosion protection of building structures based on the achievements of economic science in the field of developing methods for assessing the effectiveness of capital investments and new equipment. Issues related to the economic assessment of design solutions for construction projects are not reflected properly in regulatory documents. That is why we need to create guidelines for economic assessment, volumetric planning and design solutions. Among the developed guidelines, it is worth noting the guidelines for assessing design solutions for industrial buildings and structures, developed by NIIES with the participation of other organizations. At the same time, studies were carried out in the economics laboratory of the Research Institute of Reinforced Concrete Structures to determine the economic efficiency of anti-corrosion protection of building structures, the result of which was the “Guide to determining the economic efficiency of anti-corrosion protection of building structures of industrial buildings and structures”.

Keywords: durability, depreciation, renovation, operating costs, payback.

Pages: 10-14.


Link for citation: Levchenko, V. N.; Bryzhataya, E. O.; Popova, V. P. [et al.]. Operating costs with choosing optimal solutions for building structures taking into account corrosion resistance. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2024. – Issue 1-2024. – Р. 10-14.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2024
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture