Theory of heat transfer in the convective part of the fire-tube boiler with a stub subtract
Annotation: The development the method of geometric modeling heat and mass transfer processes in heat-tube boilers is continued. This technique will simplify the calculation of heat transfer for different fuels, different heat of combustion from the factory passport characteristics, and optimize the structural elements in the convective part of low-power boilers. By changing the location of the burner in the combustion part, it is possible to achieve the rated power and the maximum possible efficiency when using fuels with different degrees of heat of combustion.
Keywords: heat balance, heat flows, heat-tube boiler unit, convective part, combustion chamber, heat of combustion of fuel, Reynolds number, turbulence coefficient.
Pages: 26-29.
For citation:
For citation: Kachan, V. N.; Lukyanov, A. V.; Konopatskiy, E. V. Theory of heat transfer in the convective part of the fire-tube boiler with a stub subtract. – Text : direct. – In: <em>The Builder of Donbass</em>. – 2018. – Issue 4-2018. – Р. 26-29. – ISSN 2617-1848.

Issue 4-2018
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture