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Nikolay Mikhailovich Zaichenko – Rector of DonNACEA, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Technologies for Building Constructions, Products and Materials.

Born January 3, 1964

In 1989, he graduated with honors from the Makeyevka Institute of Civil Engineering with a degree in the manufacture of building products and structures.

In 1995 he defended his thesis, in 2009 – his doctoral thesis. In 2011 he was awarded the title of professor. Member of dissertation councils D 01.006.02, D 01.023.03 (DonNASA).

The main scientific direction is high-strength and especially high-strength concrete with a complex-modified microstructure. Prepared six candidates of technical sciences.

The author of 180 scientific and educational works, including three scientific monographs, three textbooks, five patents for invention. The manual of professor N.М. Zaichenko “Modified cement concretes for sustainable development.” – Saratov: IP Media, 2018. – 474 p. – Winner of the first competition of publications “University textbook – 2017” (Russian Federation).

Member of the special council D 01.006.02 (SEI HPE “DonNACEA”) for the thesis defense of the candidate and doctor of science.

Under the guidance of Professor N.M. Zaichenko more than 120 degree projects, 40 master’s theses, 6 candidate theses have been defended.

He teaches the following disciplines: “Concrete science”, “Regulatory quality assurance of building materials and products”, “Modified cement concretes of a new generation with special properties”.