Main / Issues / Issue 1-2020 / Articles

Analysis of modern automated heating systems

N. V. Dolgov, T. V. Seliutina

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The paper presents the analysis of the leading scientists studies resulting in determining the rational methodology for calculating of control valves when changing the load of heating systems during the day for various types of heat energy consumers, in particular for consumers of residential and public buildings. The article discusses the existing, most common heating systems, identifies the advantages and disadvantages of these systems. It was revealed that one of the main advantages of existing heating systems is the possibility of quantitative regulation at the consumer, as well as automation of processes in the designed heating systems. It was found that in most cases, when calculating heating systems, the change in the throughput of control valves, which affects the characteristics of the hydraulic mode of heating systems, is not taken into account. Based on the analysis of various modes and methods of regulating the heat transfer through heating systems, the need for taking into account the flow characteristics of thermostatic and balancing valves to stabilize the hydraulic mode during the operation of heating systems is revealed.

Keywords: automatic mode, heating, hydraulic mode, microclimate, circulation pressure.

Pages: 25-30.


Link for citation: Dolgov, N. V.; Seliutina, T. V. Analysis of modern automated heating systems. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2020. – Issue 1-2020. – Р. 25-30.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2020
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture