Main / Issues / Issue 2-2020 / Articles

Energy-saving measures based on monitoring of temperature and humidity conditions of the public building premises

A. A. Oleksiuk, A. V. Pluzhnik, B. V. Klyaus

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article considers the problems of energy efficient operation of water heating systems in public buildings. Operating norms for providing required microclimate in premises of public purpose buildings are analyzed. The monitoring of temperature and humidity regime in public premises is carried out, on the basis of which recommendations on application of energy-saving measures are offered. The tasks of energy-saving measures allowing to minimize heat energy consumption during operation of water heating systems were analyzed. It was found out that specific energy intensity of heating systems in public buildings should be reduced by using automatically controlled modes of heat power reduction during non-working hours, using the so-called periodical heating mode. Also in combination with the periodic heating mode it is recommended to operate individual heating points (ITP) and automatic thermo regulators of water heating systems.

Keywords: energy saving, periodic heating, thermal power, inertia of the building, individual heating point.

Pages: 45-49.


Link for citation: Oleksiuk, A. A.; Pluzhnik, A. V.; Klyaus, B. V. Energy-saving measures based on monitoring of temperature and humidity conditions of the public building premises. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2020. – Issue 2-2020 . – Р. 45-49.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2020
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture