Main / Issues / Issue 4-2020 / Articles

Our experience of researching and implementation of technogenic raw materials into production of road-building materials

V. I. Bratchun, V. L. Bespalov, V. V. Zhevanov, K. R. Guba

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: A number of inorganic and organic technogenic raw materials are showing by its examples the expediency and efficiency of complex using road-building materials as its parts and components: modified organic binders as an alternative to oxidized oil road bitumen; mineral materials without of hydraulic activity; mechanically activated polymers and oligomers of mineral powders, characterized by a high structuring ability in the composition of asphalt and tar mixes; screening crushing, characterized by the latent nature of hydraulic activity and ensuring the formation in wet tar and asphalt-polymer concrete with a combined microstructure with an optimal combination of coagulation and contact-crystallization bonds; paving slabs of increased durability; asphalt granulate modified with an aqueous dispersion of styrene-divinyl rubber. Our practical examples, used in this research are: organic products of the waste dumps of the cities’ Makeevka, Yasinovataya and Avdeevka coke plants; coal road tar of the Makeevska’s and Yenakievo’s coke-chemical plants; primary waste from the production of polyvinyl chloride (screening); polystyrene (dust); (“Stirol” of Gorlovka, secondary viscoplastic and pitch-like wastes of phenolic-acetone production of the Dzerzhinsk phenol plant; screening of dump open-hearth slag from Donbass metallurgical plants; neutralization slimes of steel wire rope plants, polymer-containing wastes from the production of epoxy resins, asphalt granules.

Keywords: man-made raw materials, asphalt concrete mixture, liquid organic products of coke chemical plants drain dumps, coal tar, primary waste from the production of polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene, secondary cubic residues of phenolic-acetone production, crushing screening of open-hearth slag, neutralization sludge of steel wire rope plants, polymer-containing waste from the production of epoxy resins, asphalt granulate.

Pages: 10-15.


Link for citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Bespalov, V. L.; Zhevanov, V. V. [et al.]. Our experience of researching and implementation of technogenic raw materials into production of road-building materials. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2020. – Issue 4-2020 . – Р. 10-15.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2020
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture