Main / Issues / Issue 1-2021 / Articles

Analysis of factors affecting the reliability of heating networks

D. V. Vybornov, M. S. Marchenko

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The main reason of the destruction the linear part of heat and power systems’ is corrosive wear of the pipe’s metal. Because of the recent use of hermetically sealed heat-insulating structures of pipelines (on the pipe’s outside), it’s residual life is often determined by corrosive wear on the inner “unprotected” side of the pipes. The speed assessment of this destruction is extremely important for predicting emergency situations and planning repairs of the linear part of the system’s sections. Pipelines’ of heating networks transporting high-temperature water reliability is considered in this article. Some factors, which are influencing the reliability and service life of heating networks, are discovered here. Based on our calculations, the dependence of failures’ flow on pipes’ diameter, the type of pipeline insulation, the conditions and environment in which the pipeline is located, and its service life have been established. Also the methodology for predicting failures of heat supply systems, taking into account the intensity of internal corrosive wear, is considered here, and the calculation results for it are presented in our article too. Besides, the internal corrosion rate of water heating networks pipelines’ assessment has been carried out. The methodology is applicable to carbon structural steel pipes.

Keywords: heating line, failure flow parameter, pipeline corrosion, thermal insulation, reliability, forecasting.

Pages: 33-39.


Link for citation: Vybornov, D. V.; Marchenko, M. S. Analysis of factors affecting the reliability of heating networks. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 1-2021. – Р. 33-39.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture