Main / Issues / Issue 2-2021 / Articles

Analysis of basic parameters and characteristics of centrifugal dust collectors

B. R. Romanenko, S. M. Orlov, A. Ya. Orlova

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: Protection of our planet’s atmosphere is a social and economic problem inextricably linked with the task of creating comfortable conditions for human life and work. Dust and gas emissions from industry have a significant impact on the environment and the atmosphere in all its aspects. The building materials’ production makes a significant negative contribution to the overall ecological indicator of the region, since most of the technological processes are inextricably linked with the formation of dust and their subsequent release into the atmosphere. These industrial emissions can contain valuable intermediates that are lost forever. Therefore, the purification and neutralization of industrial emissions have sanitary and economic importance. This article discusses the issues of cleaning dust and gas emissions from the industry. The most common cleaning devices are cyclones. Over the entire period of their application, many different designs and types of cyclones have arisen, depending on the place of their application. Methods for calculating the parameters characterizing the operation of cyclones, such as the magnitude of the centrifugal force, the minimum size of particles captured by the cyclones, pressure losses in the cyclone, and the efficiency of dust collection are considered.

Keywords: cyclone, dust collector, centrifugal force, pressure loss, dust collection efficiency.

Pages: 36-40.


Link for citation: Romanenko, B. R.; Orlov, S. M.; Orlova, A. Ya. Analysis of basic parameters and characteristics of centrifugal dust collectors. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 2-2021. – Р. 36-40.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture