Main / Issues / Issue 3-2021 / Articles

Development’s strategy of the construction complex and housing and communal services of Donbass and ways of the region’s further development

G. Ya. Drozd

Lugansk State University named after Vladimir Dahl

Annotation: The difficult economic and housing service situation in Donbass republics, because of military conflict with Ukraine is considered in this article. Data about the economic damage for infrastructure complex of Donbass are given, its real condition, population’s number and size of the territory are assessed here. Hope for revival of the region is pinned on construction industry, which also decreased by 4.5 times. It’s noted, that the restoration and development’s entire economic and industrial complex of the region locomotive is construction industry. The current state of the construction industry in our republics is analyzed. A forecast of its development made in the context of our political uncertainty. The ways of construction industry’s revival and development are proposed. Author proses taking into account not only the existing raw material base, but also by involving into the economic circulation waste from construction objects destroyed by the war and sorted fractions of solid waste. The possibilities of the construction industry to influence the restoration and development of the region are shown here.

Keywords: construction complex, building materials, raw materials base, restoration, development.

Pages: 13-17.


Link for citation: Drozd, G. Ya. Development’s strategy of the construction complex and housing and communal services of Donbass and ways of the region’s further development. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 3-2021. – Р. 13-17.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture