Main / Issues / Issue 4-2021 / Articles

Environmental aspects granular slag’s using for the preparation of friction and combined deicing mixtures

A. K. Kralin, M. G. Bikashvili, A. S. Ryabov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: In our article we used the basis of the normative documentation, which has been using in the field of winter road maintenance. Based on it, a classification of anti-icing materials is presented, their properties by a number of indicators and the requirements for them are considered here. The analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of granular slag, which is used as a frictional anti-icing material, has been carried out. The scheme of fixing grains of friction material on the surface of an ice film to increase the abrasiveness of the surface of the carriageway of highways is considered. The molten ability’s dependences of the salts on the ice temperature, the amount of salts added to the granular slag on the ice temperature and its thickness are presented, and recommendations are given on the choice of salts that play the role of a chemical component of combined anti-ice mixtures. The mass characteristics of the slag-salt mixture and its components at certain ice temperatures have been determined.

Keywords: road safety, maintenance of highways, environment, anti-slip, anti-icing materials, roadway surface, granular slag, combined anti-icing mixture, amount of salt, ice temperature, ice thickness.

Pages: 16-23.


Link for citation: Kralin, A. K.; Bikashvili, M. G.; Ryabov, A. S. Environmental aspects granular slag’s using for the preparation of friction and combined deicing mixtures. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 4-2021. – Р. 16-23.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture