Main / Issues / Issue 2-2022 / Articles

The investigation of the stress-strain state of a telescopic boom of a cable crane-manipulator on the accuracy of load positioning

T. V. Lutsko, S. V. Mishin, A. A. Rodin

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article presents a numerical analysis of the stressstrain state of a telescopic boom of a cable crane-manipulator when it is loaded. Subject of the research is a telescopic boom with tetrahedral and hexagonal cross sections. The Compass software package - 3D APM FEM: Strength Analysis System - was used for the analysis. The results obtained made it possible to evaluate the strength and stiffness parameters of the considered structures of the booms of a cable crane-manipulator. Graphs of the dependences of the boom head displacements under loading in the vertical and horizontal planes are constructed. Based on the obtained data, the load-altitude characteristics of the crane-manipulator were adjusted. It contributes to the accurate positioning of the cargo to the place of loading and increase the safety of loading and unloading operations. The refined loadaltitude characteristics of the crane-manipulator in the form of analytical dependencies are presented.

Keywords: departure, lifting height, cargo height characteristics, load capacity, deformability, crane manipulator, stress, displacement, cross section, boom.

Pages: 20-25.


Link for citation: Lutsko, T. V.; Mishin, S. V.; Rodin, A. A. The investigation of the stress-strain state of a telescopic boom of a cable crane-manipulator on the accuracy of load positioning. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 2-2022. – Р. 20-25.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture