Main / Issues / Issue 2-2022 / Articles

Optimization of a complex modifier’s composition based on an expanding additive in cement concrete

A. V. Nazarova, S. V. Sorokanich, D. S. Kovalenko

Lugansk State University named after V. Dahl

Annotation: This article presents results of optimization of a complex modifier’s composition based on an expanding additive for cement concrete. As parameters of the considered variable factors in the planning of the experiment, the following were taken: the content of the oxide-sulfoaluminate expanding additive and the polycarboxylate superplasticizer. The goal of optimization is to obtain a complex concrete modifier that is able to provide the S4 concrete mix mobility grade and compressive strength at the design age of at least 40 MPa for concrete with reduced shrinkage. To achieve the given aim, the area of optimal values lies within the following limits: the content of the expanding additive is 8 ... 10.5% by weight of cement, and the content of the superplasticizer«MasterGlenium 115» is 1.3 1.5%.

Keywords: heavy concrete, shrinkage, expansion additive, composition optimization, cone sediment, compressive strength.

Pages: 15-19.


Link for citation: Nazarova, A. V.; Sorokanich, S. V.; Kovalenko, D. S. Optimization of a complex modifier’s composition based on an expanding additive in cement concrete. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 2-2022. – Р. 15-19.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture