Main / Issues / Issue 3-2022 / Articles

Scientific streams of the regional donbass’ architectural school in donnacea

H. A. Benai, E. A. Gayvoronsky

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: This article discusses the specifics complex approach’s relevance issues of the scientific architectural school in Donbass in regional engineering and architectural higher education institution - DonNACEA. The events and facts, covering the history of the emergence, formation and development of the main scientific ways of the regional architectural school in Donbass at the Architecture department are summarized here. It covers all stages of DonNACEA history: from Civil engineering institute of Makeevka till DonSACEA and DonNACEA. The modern stage covered here too, including departments: "Architectural planning and design of the architectural environment", "Urban planning and landscape architecture" and "Land management and cadastres". The important role of leading architects and urban planners, design organizations, institutions in the architectural scientific process in our large industrial region considered here. We are researched the pronounced specifics, problems, development strategies that were changing in retrospect. The general characteristics of main scientific researching streams, the circumstances of its occurrence, the most important results and its scientific and applied significance for formation and development Architectural department of DonNACEA and Donbass region are discussed.

Keywords: аFaculty of Architecture, Donbass, scientific directions, training of architectural personnel, regional architectural school.

Pages: 8-16.


Link for citation: Benai, H. A.; Gayvoronsky, E. A. Scientific streams of the regional donbass’ architectural school in donnacea. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 3-2022. – Р. 8-16.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture