Main / Issues / Issue 4-2022 / Articles

Development of approaches to improve the efficiency and reliability of water supply systems for boiler houses (for small facilities)

N. G. Nasonkina, E. A. Feskova, P. G. Bereza, V. S. Zaburdaev, O. E. Zhukov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: Most of the small boiler houses in the Donetsk People's Republic are not separated by separate levels, which leads both to a decrease in the reliability and efficiency of their operation, and to a significant complexity in the implementation of their water supply management. In this article, the authors consider the main ways to improve the efficiency of water supply systems for boiler houses, and also present an analysis of the factors affecting the reliability of water supply systems, their failures, operating conditions and energy consumption. The structure and classification of tasks for the reliability of water supply systems is given. A water supply system with low energy consumption for boiler houses is proposed. Studies show that as a result of targeted system management, it is possible to reduce water losses and use the technological reserve for upgrading systems, taking into account wastewater heat recovery.

Keywords: boiler room, water treatment, water supply system, osmosis.

Pages: 27-33.


Link for citation: Nasonkina, N. G.; Feskova, E. A.; Bereza, P. G. [et al.]. Development of approaches to improve the efficiency and reliability of water supply systems for boiler houses (for small facilities). – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 4-2022. – Р. 27-33.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture