Main / Issues / Issue 4-2022 / Articles

Features of managing the cost of investment and construction projects in the context of digital transformation of the construction industry of the dpr

I. V. Sychova, N. V. Burau, I. A. Vanin

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: This article discusses modern approaches to managing the cost of an investment and construction project as part of the implementation of the federal project "Digital Public Administration". Much attention is paid to information modeling technologies and the prospects associated with their mass application at all stages of the project life cycle. Taking into account the fact that information modeling technologies are gradually becoming an inseparable part of project management, the issues of cost modeling of investment and construction projects are considered. The analysis is carried out; the advantages and disadvantages of the cost engineering system in the context of the digital transformation of the construction industry are identified. The possibility of using the Federal State Information System of Pricing in Construction in the Donetsk People's Republic is considered. It is substantiated that for the effective management of the cost of investment and construction projects in the Donetsk People's Republic, an appropriate legislative framework should be created.

Keywords: digital economy, digitalization of construction, transformation of the construction industry, investment and construction project, cost engineering, cost, estimates, resources, information modeling technology, information model.

Pages: 9-15.


Link for citation: Sychova, I. V.; Burau, N. V.; Vanin, I. A. Features of managing the cost of investment and construction projects in the context of digital transformation of the construction industry of the dpr. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2022. – Issue 4-2022. – Р. 9-15.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2022
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture