Main / Issues / Issue 4-2023 / Articles

Determination of design parameters for the inner surface of a vertically located filter hole

S. I. Movchan

Melitopol State University

Annotation: The previously proposed model for consideration for the shape of the inner surface of the filter hole, obtained from the results of determination for four planes (four living sections), allows us to obtain an inner surface close to a connoidal shape, i.e. the most optimal for downward filtering of wastewater contaminated with various impurities. Solving problems of an applied nature, we consider a vertically located hole in a horizontally installed partition, the inner surface of it formed in four planes and is optimally close to a connoidal shape. The latter circumstance helps to increase the throughput of the hole itself and improve the filtration process as a whole. At the same time, the shape of the inner surface of the filter hole is optimized, which allows you to choose a further direction of research. The subject of the reseach is the treatment of wastewater, in which filtration is the determining factor for the operation of water treatment equipment industrial water supply systems. The materials and research methods reflect the practical direction of research, which consists in determining reference points when constructing a connoidal surface of a vertically located hole for filtering wastewater in pressure flotation-coagulation apparatus. In addition, considering the theoretical aspects of the filtration process, which are based on the well-known equations of flow continuity and momentum transfer, while the hydrodynamics of the process is based on assessing the change in flow parameters during its transition from a diffuser to a confuser and back, assuming that the flow is one-dimensional and the transition is adiabatic. Based on the research results, the ratios of the inlet/outlet diameters, the narrowing/expanding part of the filter hole, when wastewater moves in a downward flow are obtained, which makes possible to obtain the optimal ratio of diameters in four planes (sections) of the internal filtration surface.

Keywords: filtration, filtration process, conoidal shape, narrowing diameter, expanding diameter, diffusor-confusor areas.

Pages: 50-56.


Link for citation: Movchan, S. I. Determination of design parameters for the inner surface of a vertically located filter hole. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2023. – Issue 4-2023. – Р. 50-56.

Issue Cover Issue 4-2023
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture