Main / Issues / Issue 2-2024 / Articles

The influence of the “operation time” factor on the functioning of the “crane operator - crane - environment” system

V. A. Penchuk, N. A. Yurchenko, D. V. Shundikov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: Currently, the fleet of lifting machines has a wide variety of equipment, both in design (foreign and domestic) and in age. For the effective operation of such equipment, an integrated approach to the “crane operator - crane - environmental environment” system is required, taking into account the influence factors of all subsystems. Increasing operating time, the position of all elements of the system changes: the technical condition of the lifting machine deteriorates, the psychophysiological characteristics of the crane operator decrease, and professionalism increases, the environment changes its performance for the worse. It Is possible to increase labor productivity, work safety, and improve labor protection for operating personnel, taking into account changes in all elements of the “crane operator - crane - environment” system over time, timely carrying out technical examination of equipment, medical examinations of operating personnel, and a special assessment of working conditions.

Keywords: lifting crane, crane operator, production environment, factor, operating time, qualification, aging.

Pages: 44-50.


Link for citation: Penchuk, V. A.; Yurchenko, N. A.; Shundikov, D. V. The influence of the “operation time” factor on the functioning of the “crane operator - crane - environment” system. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2024. – Issue 2-2024. – Р. 44-50.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2024
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture