Main / Issues / Issue 4-2024 / Articles

International experience in design of multifunctional residential complexes

N. N. KharkovskayaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureM. A. PrasolovaDonbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Type: Original Article
doi: 10.71536/sd.2024.4c29.4

Annotation: The scientific research presents the relevance and study of the features in architectural and typological organization of multifunctional residential complexes using the example of world design experience. An assessment is given of a number of advantages and disadvantages of multifunctional residential complexes, as well as modern trends in buildings and structures for such purposes. The reasons and factors for the demand for residential complexes based on post-industrial prerequisites are identified. When analyzing existing construction, a detailed analysis of their architectural and functional spaces is carried out, which meet the needs of residents, which comply with the requirements and standards of construction, and modern trends and the latest innovations are also formed to create a comfortable life for consumers. Observations in the scientific work define the concept of multifunctional residential complexes and analyze existing residential complexes of similar purpose using foreign and domestic design experience as an example. The advantages and disadvantages of multifunctional residential complexes are touched upon and described using world design experience as an example.

Keywords: multifunctional residential complex, architecture, urban development, improvement, recreational area, infrastructure and public spaces.

Pages: 30-36.


For citation:
For citation: Kharkovskaya, N. N.; Prasolova, M. A. International experience in design of multifunctional residential complexes. – Text : direct. – In: <em>The Builder of Donbass</em>. – 2024. – Issue 4-2024. – Р. 30-36. – doi: 10.71536/sd.2024.4c29.4. – ISSN 2617-1848. (in Russian)

Issue Cover
Issue 4-2024
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture