Main / Issues / Issue 1-2018 / Articles

Physical and mathematical and computer model operation of process of the forced carbonization of systems on the basis of lime

N. V. Lubomorskiy, S. I. Fedorkin, A. N. Ryzhakov, A. S. Bakhtin

V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Annotation: In the article the mathematical model of dynamic process of the forced carbonaceous concreting of lime which represents the system of the nonlinear differential equations in partial derivatives describing time history of concentration initial and the formed substances taking into account influence of humidity and temperature, processes of diffusion and convective diffusion of molecules of the reagents accompanying process of a carbonization of Ca(OH)2 is offered. It is shown that by means of computer model operation it is possible to study in a complex processes which research by the experimental methods difficult and demands the composite inventory.

Keywords: lime, calcium hydroxide, carbon dioxide, carbonation, calcium carbonate, mathematical model, computer model.

Pages: 24-34.


Link for citation: Lubomorskiy, N. V.; Fedorkin, S. I.; Ryzhakov, A. N. [et al.]. Physical and mathematical and computer model operation of process of the forced carbonization of systems on the basis of lime. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2018. – Issue 1-2018. – Р. 24-34.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2018
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture