Main / Issues / Issue 3-2018 / Articles

Proposals on the reconstruction of a typical reinforced concrete overpass with a span chart 3,00 × 11,36 m

D. V. Belov, A. M. Yugov, V. F. Mushchanov, S. V. Kozhemyaka

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: A set of actions on the reconstruction of a standardized reinforced concrete overpass with spans chart of 3,00 × 11,36 m, damaged after battle actions has been suggested. A general view and structural decision of the examined object as well as the kind and the amount of its damage are shown. A list of works and actions necessary for overpass reconstruction is given. The stages of reconstruction and process design solutions in progress on object renewal are covered in full details. Assembling machines and auxiliary equipment for the execution of works are presented.

Keywords: overpass, superstructure, span beams, reconstruction, temporary support, railway crane.

Pages: 13-17.


Link for citation: Belov, D. V.; Yugov, A. M.; Mushchanov, V. F. [et al.]. Proposals on the reconstruction of a typical reinforced concrete overpass with a span chart 3,00 × 11,36 m. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2018. – Issue 3-2018. – Р. 13-17.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2018
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture