Biological treatment of urban sewage by airlift reactorclarifier
Annotation: The concept of biological treatment of urbanwastewater based on use of biological reactors with submerged airlift aeration systemis presented. The concept considers a possibility of usingwith various productivity and any category of the wastewater treatment plant, for each category of water objectfor discharging of the purified sewage. Basic elements of biological treatment technology of wastewatersare: removal of phosphorus by using of PAO, removal of forms of nitrogen and clarification of the mixed liquor in air-lift bioreactors-clarifiers, final treatment of sewage on the filtering layer and a sludge mineralization in mineralizers with submerged airlift aeration system. The offered technology provides quality of treatment at the level of the best available technologies by«ITG10-2015» and higher.
Keywords: biological treatment, wastewater, airlift bioreactor, flooded airlift, aerotank clarifier, sediment mineralization, sewage treatment plants, NDT.
Pages: 17-21.
For citation:
For citation: Nezdoiminov, V. I.; Rozhkov, V. S.; Zavorotny, D. V. Biological treatment of urban sewage by airlift reactorclarifier. – Text : direct. – In: <em>The Builder of Donbass</em>. – 2018. – Issue 4-2018. – Р. 17-21. – ISSN 2617-1848.

Issue 4-2018
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Journal: The Builder of Donbass
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture