Main / Issues / Issue 1-2019 / Articles

The synthesis of architecture and design in concepts of the avant-garde architecture

R. M. Muksinov, O. V. Volichenko

Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University

Annotation: The article discusses synthetic, integration processes that unite the various components of an architectural object into a single harmonious whole, capable of turning it into a work of art. Analysis of the creative methods of the masters of architecture shows that the avant-garde architecture of the new century was initially created according to the criteria and requirements of “high” art. The architect does not create a thing or a functional element with synthetic content, he creates a “work of architecture”, which can later be used in different ways, thereby changing the methodology for creating the Architecture. Therefore, the creative approaches and methodological principles that form the basis of new conceptual directions illustrating the synthesis of design and architecture are changing. The main genres of architecture are defined and characterized.

Keywords: architecture is a work, concept, architectural fantasy, architectural layout and drawing, installation, genres of architecture.

Pages: 12-17.


Link for citation: Muksinov, R. M.; Volichenko, O. V. The synthesis of architecture and design in concepts of the avant-garde architecture. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2019. – Issue 1-2019. – Р. 12-17.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2019
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture