Main / Issues / Issue 3-2019 / Articles

Resource provision of housing and utilities in the conditions of current challenges

A. A. Genova

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The main approaches to defining the concept of resource provision have been considered in the article. The basic types of resources of housing and utilities have been studied and classified. The main problems of housing and utilities of Donetsk People's Republic have been outlined. The necessity of finding additional sources of resource provision for the development of housing and utilities of the Donetsk People's Republic has been proved.

Keywords: housing and communal services, resources, resource provision, resources of the housing and communal services sector, public-private partnership, concessions.

Pages: 94-98.


Link for citation: Genova, A. A. Resource provision of housing and utilities in the conditions of current challenges. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2019. – Issue 3-2019. – Р. 94-98.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2019
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture