Main / Issues / Issue 3-2023 / Articles

Prospects for the creation and use of in-line diesel automobile engines

S. A. Gorozhankin, A. E. Lenivov, B. D. Minin

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The prospects and possibilities for creation in-line diesel automobile engines for trucks are considered. The main advantages and features of such internal combustion engines are presented. Thermal, kinematic and dynamic calculations of a 12-cylinder engine with a power of 326 kW had carried out. It shows that such an engine does not require the installation of a supercharging system, in contrast to the KamAZ 740. 75-440 serial engine of the same power adopted for comparison, which is equipped with a turbocharger. The influence of positive and negative displacements of the crank mechanism on the forces acting in it were researched. The lateral forces acting on the piston and determining the wear of the cylinder-piston group are not limiting in full power modes. The torques on the main and connecting rod journals of the crankshaft were determined, and its most dangerous sections were determined.

Keywords: internal combustion engine, diesel, inline-displaced engine, crank mechanism, unevenness of rotation, inertia forces, internal balancing, offset mechanism, crankshaft, dangerous sections.

Pages: 58-62.


Link for citation: Gorozhankin, S. A.; Lenivov, A. E.; Minin, B. D. Prospects for the creation and use of in-line diesel automobile engines. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2023. – Issue 3-2023. – Р. 58-62.

Issue Cover Issue 3-2023
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture