Main / Issues / Issue 2-2021 / Articles

Justification of the parameters of a suspended self-propelled trolley for moving unit loads on monorails without overloading

A. K. Pilnenkoa, V. M. Datsenkob, A. G. Vodolazhchenkob

a Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky,
b Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: The article discusses the loading and unloading and transport and storage operations’ issue of increasing the productivity by using a suspended self-propelled trolley for moving piece goods along monorails. Analysis of literature sources showed that the provisions for calculating the main parameters of suspended monorail roads do not contain complete information about the operating conditions that arise, while moving along vertical monorails. The established dependences of the resistance to the movement of the loaded trolley with an inclined position of the monorail showed that the value of the resistance to movement is most effected by the angle of inclination of the monorail. To reduce the deformation of the drive roller, the hardness of the material should be increased, i.e. bring the modulus of elasticity of the material to a value equal to 0.08-0.09 MPa. The designed self-propelled suspension trolley is designed to move various loads inside the buildings of machine-building industries and enterprises of the construction industry. The trolley can also move loads between individual buildings. The suspended trolley has the ability to move piece cargo along horizontal and vertical monorails without overloading.

Keywords: suspended trolley, load capacity, drive roller, resistance to movement, monorail.

Pages: 48-53.


Link for citation: Pilnenko, A. K.; Datsenko, V. M.; Vodolazhchenko, A. G. Justification of the parameters of a suspended self-propelled trolley for moving unit loads on monorails without overloading. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2021. – Issue 2-2021. – Р. 48-53.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2021
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture