Main / Issues / Issue 2-2023 / Articles

The calculation’s peculiarities of a compliant three-link support for surrounding tunnels of the metro

E. E. Yarosh

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: A reason for the use of prefabricated block lining of tunnels and mine workings, which has structural compliance, is given. The limited-flexible mode of the prefabricated lining is ensured by installing collapsible spacers of a given thickness between the prefabricated elements. The method of calculation of supports for stability is proposed. This article presents the rationale base for the use of a flexible three-section lining for the running tunnels of the subway. The use of prefabricated block support, which has structural compliance, in tunneling and mine workings is considered. The limited-flexible mode of prefabricated lining is achieved by installing special collapsible spacers of a given thickness between prefabricated elements. This approach ensures the necessary stability and safety of the tunnel. The article also proposes a method for calculating a pliable three-section lining to assess its stability. This research has great practical importance for engineers and designers involved in the development and construction of the subway, allowing to improve the technical characteristics and reliability of underground structures.

Keywords: tunnel support, rigid mode of operation of the support, malleable mode of operation of the support, plastic hinge, sliding hinge, prefabricated support, monolithic support, part-time work, load-bearing capacity of the support, sealing of the fastening space.

Pages: 23-26.


Link for citation: Yarosh, E. E. The calculation’s peculiarities of a compliant three-link support for surrounding tunnels of the metro. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2023. – Issue 2-2023. – Р. 23-26.

Issue Cover Issue 2-2023
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture