Main / Issues / Issue 1-2018 / Articles

Theoretical and methodological principles for the formation of optimal structures of complex-modified road asphalt concrete of increased durability

V. I. Bratchun, V. L. Bespalov

Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Annotation: With the use of system and regression analysis the theoretical principles that should be implemented when designing compositions and structures of complexmodified asphalt concretes of increased durability have been formulated. It is shown that the production of durable asphalt concrete is achieved with an optimum quantitative ratio between the micro-, meso- and macrostructure of the composite material. The most radical way of modifying the frame asphalt concrete is the physicochemical effect on the organic binding thermoplastic elastomer in combination with technical sulfur or terpolymer (ethyleneglycidylacrylate) together with polyphosphoric acid with simultaneous surface activation of mineral materials by polymer solutions.

Keywords: With the use of system and regression analysis the theoretical principles that should be implemented when designing compositions and structures of complexmodified asphalt concretes of increased durability have been formulated. It is shown that the production of durable asphalt concrete is achieved with an optimum quantitative ratio between the micro-, meso- and macrostructure of the composite material. The most radical way of modifying the frame asphalt concrete is the physicochemical effect on the organic binding thermoplastic elastomer in combination with technical sulfur or terpolymer (ethyleneglycidylacrylate) together with polyphosphoric acid with simultaneous surface activation of mineral materials by polymer solutions..

Pages: 17-23.


Link for citation: Bratchun, V. I.; Bespalov, V. L. Theoretical and methodological principles for the formation of optimal structures of complex-modified road asphalt concrete of increased durability. – Text : direct. – In: The Donbas Constructon. – 2018. – Issue 1-2018. – Р. 17-23.

Issue Cover Issue 1-2018
Journal: The Donbas Constructon
Publish house: Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture